
RadioActive Europe

Radiostuff_man 007

Seit Beginn des Jahres sind wir mit unseren Partnern aus Malta, Portugal, Rumänien, Wales und England am IWM das Projekt RadioActive Europe aktiv. Über die letzten Wochen konnten wir mit dem Mehrgenerationenhaus Neuwied einen bärenstarken nationalen Partner gewinnen. Am Samstag hatte ich die Ehre einen ersten KickOff Workshop  mitzugestalten, bei dem sich unerschrockene und […]

Can’t we get started a dialogue with this Students? – Replay

Sorry for crossblogging. But i guess it’s time for spreading this idea widely. So feel free to do it also.

Its about my an idea which came up at the AG-Podcasting-Team and therefore i will repeat this post here:

Miriam, freshly entered the AG Podcasting, was brainstorming about topics and possible activities in our […]

100 % parted at two jobs, two Offices and not to forget the family = organizational challenge.

Sorry! For all who are waiting for: This is no complain!!! On friday last week, I started my second part-time job at the university of coblence. For this moment I waited long time. So from now on i’am shared between the virtual campus rhineland-palatinate and the institute for knowledge media (IWM) Koblenz. Thats a […]

Information distribution and learning …

… as a result of my thesis (now finished ad reviewed) a new question raised up for me, i would like to share with you. Taking the theoretical base on the critical theory of learning, expressed through Holzkamp and others the main line of argumentation is: teaching doesn’t automatically result in learning. Following this […]

Earth 2010 and the earthbridges' earthcast

At April 22th 2010 not only the disney company is encuraged in special activities. Also the earthbridges network will raise up their earthcast. But What is the erathcast? It is a 24 h live webcast around the world, where students all over the world aim to participate, and present their work in their native […]

Future podcast episode in progress prospective to the technical needs

Via Flickr by ©© pchow98

It is the second attempt to this topic and there was a need to delay it because of our small budget of time. But it should be done. I think a glance behind the scene to the basic and back to the technicals should enrich the understanding and […]

Nachgedacht – und zwar Monate später…

Auf der Edumedia Fachtagung im Jahr 2008 entstand der Impuls von Prof. Dr. Gabi Reinmann, der eigentlich gestaltet war, mit der Begrifflichkeit „Selbstorganisation“  – als Konzept stärker als bislang geschehen, in den Diskurs zu gehen. Hier ist der „Arbeitsbericht 18“ nachzulsenen, und innerhalb der Episode 35 auch von ihr als Mitschnitt des Vortrages nachzuhören. Nach […]

Earthcast09 – The kickoff – are you fearless?

There is a small group of active and fearless educators currently involved in the activities around earthcast09, an well organized webcasting marathon lasting 24 h and around the globe. So I would  point you on this event because it needs 2 things: listeners on the April 22nd and participants. In Brief the Mission: As […]

Can you teach web2.0?

There was a buzzing tweet between BitBoutique, @thbernhardt, @mebner and @lgxxl inspiring me for this post, because this topic gains up in ceveral contexts and contents, how to handle it when your students doesn’t seem to be willing learning web2.0. Like a fortune @cristinacost asked for feedback on an essay here. And in fact […]

My Grandfathers dream

Just coming back from the cck08 chat and discussion with steven downes, george siemens and dave cormier. Puhhh what a discussion – what a buzzing chat – what a dense of topics. Just to mention some. Frome different roles learners can take part to curricular topics to implementation strategies. The anonymity of the chat […]