Bildung im Dialog auf Facebook
At April 22th 2010 not only the disney company is encuraged in special activities. Also the earthbridges network will raise up their earthcast. But What is the erathcast? It is a 24 h live webcast around the world, where students all over the world aim to participate, and present their work in their native language.
The challenge is presenting it live. This means there is a need of producers and listeners. Producers in the sense of scholars articulating and producing the material. Listeners in the sense of people all aver the world aiming to listen to the live programm and participating in the various channels and possibilities of discussion and discourse. In this sense: What is the biggest value to the students work: Beeing recognized and understood.
So, if your are open for their words as a listener take a look at the
If you want to produce something with your class / group of students / scholars or participate anyhow: Enter the planning wiki here:
Bis denne
Thanx for @GaryPHayes for develooping and for @lutzland for spreading.
You can preview it here.
Links von delicious von der Zeitspanne März 15th bis März 18th:
- Television Animation – If you are interested in TV- Animation take a look at from Jon Hooper and Steve Kellener. <br />
"Television Animation<br />
Some helpful information when dealing with television animation production. "
- Effective Storytelling – a basic manual – "Effective storytelling is a fine and beautiful art. A well-developed and presented story can cut across age barriers and will hold the interest and reach its listeners. Stories will be remembered long after other orations. Knowing and applying the basics of storytelling will strengthen your stories." by Barry McWilliams – Introduction to Storytelling!<br />
You are most welcome to copy and use this document! It is about 6 printed pages long. You might read some of the good books available on how to tell stories as well.
- Microphone Round-up! (Visual Lounge) – I struggle with audio especially when I'm out of a controlled environment. I often like to make videos on the road at events – usually in a noisy conference hall with high ceilings. This is a less than ideal recording situation.<br />
<br />
So, I thought I'd round up a bunch of different microphones at work and compare them for you. Matt Pierce, the Training Manager, and I headed to our soundbooth and tested 6 different microphones. We used Audacity to record the audio at 44,100Hz. We tried to have as much consistency as possible, but we had to adjust the audio levels on each microphone. You will see in the screencast what level we recorded at. Also, I made the links a hotspot in the video, so you can click them if you'd like more info about the microphone. The screencast is short – running 1:30.
- Making the Switch from Coda to Espresso – During the last of our IM discussions related to the theme upgrade, I told Preshit that I worked my bit of the upgrade entirely using MacRabbit’s Espresso. He was surprised, to say the least. Everyone knows me as a Coda fanboy, so did I ditch it just like that? I’ve always seen Espresso as sort of the underpowered in comparison with Coda. Coda is feature rich, has a splendid user interface, so why switch to something sub-standard? Lately though Coda has been showing its age, especially improvements in the world of HTML and CSS, and its user interface felt a little too heavy, given the current trend towards minimalism. Moreover, with Espresso’s 1.1 update, things were looking good for this new kid on the block. So I gave it a serious run-through by doing the theme upgrade entirely in Espresso.
- Nilrog’s place – WP-Blog – Nilrog’s place – WP-Blog is a RapidWeaver pagestyle plugin that allows you to have a blog page that is powered by WordPress using stock RapidWeaver themes. It will only work with self-hosted WordPress blogs that resides on the same server as the main RapidWeaver site and not if you have a blog that is hosted at It is also NOT yet another blogging software that allows you to post to your blog from inside RapidWeaver. There are plenty of good software for doing that already.
- Google-Ergebnis für – Kurze Lerneinheit zum Mindmapping! Vielen Dank an Alexander König.
Das Finden ist oft Gluecksache. Delicious macht aus zwei Augen viele. Wer zu den Themen etwas beitragen kann und will, der trete meinem Netzwerk bei. Wenn ich dann noch weiss, was andere begeistert, suche ich gerne mit.
Jetzt sind die Semesterferien schon die ersten Wochen alt und es ist durchaus Zeit einmal einen zusammenfassenden Blick auf das letzte Semetser und die Arbeit in und mit der Gruppe AG Podcasting und ihren Podcast „Bildung im Dialog“ zu werfen. So begannen die ersten Wochen des Semesters mit der großen Überraschung seitens der Studierenden die Forderung, sich stärker pädagogischen Begriffen nähern zu wollen. So entstand die Reihe der pädagogischen Kernbegriffe mit einem ersten Thema: Bildung. Die Herausforderung: Der Begriff ist so vielseitig belegt – so oft in ganz unterschiedlichen Kontexten gebraucht, dass in diesem Sinne viel entschieden werden musste. Was entstand waren zwei Episoden in Eigenregie und zwei Interviews.
Bildung I – Gedacht als Einstiegsepisode auf der Grundlage einer Rede Bierris.
Bildung II – Gedacht als eine thematische Verarbeitung eines schon fast zum Standard gehörenden Textes studentischer Pflichtlektüre – die Immatrikulationsrede Horkheimers.
Bildung III – Das Interview mit Prof. Dr. W. Rösler bot einen pädagogischen Blick mit kritischer Auseinandersetzung und Annäherung an die Perspektive der ästhetischen Bildung.
Bildung IV – Das Interview mit Prof. Dr. N. Neumann mit einer ebenso kritischen Reflektion des Bildungsbegriffes und einer Andeutung einer medienpädagogischen Perspektive. persönlich denke ich, hier wäre eine Fortsetzung lohnend.
Verglichen mit den letzten Semestern lag hier diesmal in der AG Arbeit eine thematische Fokussierung auf einen Begriff vor. Dass in der Interviewvorbereitung aber auch in der Gestaltung der beiden Episoden sehr viel Herzblut in der Gestaltung und Entscheidungen im Sinne von Reduzierungen und Prägnanz vorliegen, ist denke ich den Episoden anzuhören. Und noch etwas freut mich ungemein: So betrachtet ist meine Stimme im Podcast dieses Semester entlastet ;-). Ich bin gespannt, wie wir die Reihe der Kernbegriffe der Pädagogik weiterführen. Wer Wünsche entwickelt, kann im Geschwisterblog ja einmal die Augen aufhalten, denn es ist eine Poll beabsichtigt!
Fazit der Schlussrunde: Was Bildung ist, wissen wir, wenn wir ehrlich sind immer noch nicht. Folgen wir Horkheimer und Bierri ist es jedoch lohnend für uns den Terminus zu belegen. Damit ist auch ausgedrückt, dass exakt gefragt werden muss, wenn andere von Bildung reden. und das bezieht sich nicht auf die heimatliche Fachdisziplin, sondern auch darüber hinaus.
Soweit die Gedanken zu einem sehr kurzweiligen Semester, bei dem man sich kaum vorstellen kann, dass ein Großteil der Arbeit innerhalb von 2 sws entstand oder phasenweise koordiniert wurde.
Bis denne
Links von delicious von der Zeitspanne März 7th bis März 12th:
Das Finden ist oft Gluecksache. Delicious macht aus zwei Augen viele. Wer zu den Themen etwas beitragen kann und will, der trete meinem Netzwerk bei. Wenn ich dann noch weiss, was andere begeistert, suche ich gerne mit.
Links von delicious von der Zeitspanne Januar 7th bis Februar 19th:
- Das philosophische Radio: WDR 5 – Das Philosophische Radio
Denn Denken hat was…
Philosophieren Sie mit und rufen Sie an: 0800 / 5678 555.
Oder stellen Sie Fragen per Mail:
Mit ungekannter Dynamik verändert sich die moderne Welt. Ob in der Politik, der Wissenschaft oder dem menschlichen Miteinander: Viele Entwicklungen stellen den Einzelnen vor neue, drängende Fragen. Das Bedürfnis nach geistig-ethischer Orientierung ist groß, zumal die überkommenen Werte sich wandeln. An welchen überkommenen halten wir fest, welche neuen begrüßen wir? Was bedeuten zum Beispiel Freiheit oder Heimat in der globalisierten Welt, welches ist der Wert der Arbeit, was anfangen mit einem größeren Vorrat an Zeit in Zeiten der Arbeitslosigkeit? Wie stelle ich mich zur Gentechnik, zur Verantwortung des Einzelnen in Zeiten des Klimawandels? Aber auch: was können wir von Kindern lernen?
- 500 Internal Server Error – 500 Internal Server Error
- [pdf] Broschüre ‘Open Content’ – elearning4 – Gerade im Blog von andreas Link gefunden: "Broschüre ‘Open Content’
ecmc Europäisches Zentrum für Medienkompetenz, Im Blickpunkt: Open Content, Marl 2009"
- Lesen2 Ueflue-Technik.pdf – ÜFLÜ-Methode – Eine Methode, die helfen (kann und sollte) Textzusammenhänge sowohl schnell als auch sinngerecht und trotzdem schnell strukturiert zu erfassen.
- Global Report (GRALE) | UNESCO – Der erste weltweite Bericht über das Lernen Erwachsener
Das Finden ist oft Gluecksache. Delicious macht aus zwei Augen viele. Wer zu den Themen etwas beitragen kann und will, der trete meinem Netzwerk bei. Wenn ich dann noch weiss, was andere begeistert, suche ich gerne mit.
Links von delicious von der Zeitspanne Dezember 29th bis Januar 4th:
- in education | exploring our connective educational landscape – The course management system (CMS) reinforces the status quo and hinders substantial teaching and learning innovation in higher education. It does so by imposing artificial time limits on learner access to course content and other learners, privileging the role of the instructor at the expense of the learner, and limiting the power of the network effect in the learning process. The open learning network (OLN)—a hybrid of the CMS and the personal learning environment (PLE)—is proposed as an alternative learning technology environment with the potential to leverage the affordances of the Web to dramatically improve learning.
- Neue Wege des Lehrens und Lernens – "Neue Wege des Lehrens und Lernens\nProf. Dr. Rolf Arnold, Technische Universität Kaiserslautern, Fachbereich Sozialwissenschaften, Fachgebiet Pädagogik\nErwachsene lernen zwar in Lehr-Lernveranstaltungen, doch folgt dieses Lernen einer eigenen, biographisch-systemischen Logik. Man kann sie zwar „belehren", doch folgt ihre Aneignungsbewegung ihren eigenen bzw. „eigensinnigen" Mustern in Kognition und Emotion. Lernen ist deshalb stets ein durch Differenz und Vielfalt gekennzeichneter Weg, der sich nicht in erster Linie an externen Standards orientiert (oder gar zu orientieren vermag), sondern immer schon bloß dann stattfindet, wenn Individuen das aufgreifen und sich aneignen, was ihnen für ihre Lebenspraxis bedeutsam erscheint, oder eben (mit zumeist guten eigenen Gründen) nicht aufgreifen und sich aneignen." Prof. Dr. Rolf Arnold zu neuen Distributionswegen und Lernunterstützung. Danke via 2headz
- SourceBricks Software – SMSBrick – Send SMS messages from your dashboard.
This widget supports "sipgate" and "sipgate team edition".
The current version works for sipgate germany ( only!
- The Digital Object Identifier System – The Digital Object Identifier System is new for me and it could make scientific referencing much more easier! "The Digital Object Identifier (DOI®) System is for identifying content objects in the digital environment. DOI® names are assigned to any entity for use on digital networks. They are used to provide current information, including where they (or information about them) can be found on the Internet. Information about a digital object may change over time, including where to find it, but its DOI name will not change. The DOI System provides a framework for persistent identification, managing intellectual content, managing metadata, linking customers with content suppliers, facilitating electronic commerce, and enabling automated management of media. DOI names can be used for any form of management of any data, whether commercial or non-commercial."
- Student to Student Podcast in iTunes UniversityPodcast Academy – The #1 Source for Podcast Education – Student to Student Podcast in iTunes University
November 30th, 2009 in Main and PNME2007 and Podcast
PNME 2007 #52: Student to Student Podcast Development on an iTunes University Site
iTunes university sites are proliferating the model of course-casting that simply packages what universities do daily into an electronic form. The DePaul iTunes site features a student-based podcast network that emphasizes show content developed by students for students. How this was accomplished and how it adds value to iTunes University development is explored in this presentation. The talk will cover issues of recruiting hosts, developing content, structuring the experience, offering course credit, maintaining quality, and developing audience. Robert will discuss how this enriches the iTunes integration beyond what most universities may be using it for currently. Instructor: Robert Rotenberg of DePaul University
Das Finden ist oft Gluecksache. Delicious macht aus zwei Augen viele. Wer zu den Themen etwas beitragen kann und will, der trete meinem Netzwerk bei. Wenn ich dann noch weiss, was andere begeistert, suche ich gerne mit.
It counted to my good resolutions for this young year to blog more than the last. And so this post is about my thought of the day in January 1th 2010.
Linda asked me to tell a bit more details about group and our podcasting work and the bildungsreporter asked for some details even so. So I started thinking about the theoretical background on what we are doing so and why we are doing it in the way we are doing it. And to be honest the last question is still unanswered, because the AG Podcasting is a dynamic group of human subjects (subjects and not only individuals!) and finally I learned I can simply talk for my own.
So the question which can be answered here is to be more precise: Why I am arranging the room for learning in the way it is? (Sorry for the self ad here)
To go through this to a sufficient answer, you should get introduced in some things we are doing, just for the case you don’t know 😉 The group of students calling themselves AG Podcasting is a freely joined Group of students at the university of koblence-landau, arranging, preparing, hosting and filling the Podcast called „Bildung im Dialog“ which is in mainly german language. Doing so the Podcast and the group exists since 2006. The members of „AG Podcasting“ changes dynamicly, which means in fact there are students stying, there are students leaving for what reason ever.
(End of self/group Ad here)
So trying a reflective view (as it its possible but I am honestly trying) on how this learning space is arranged there you can state some things: First: The focus of our work is oriented on the content. Thats the student’s starting point and thats there inner drive. Focussing on the content means that from the beginning a lot of technical questions are from their point of view unanswered. But there were named or are obvious.
This fact brings up challenges but raises also in advantages. I count it to the challenges in the start of each semester explaining the world of social media and we are located to bring this in their own horizont. I also talk about the supported tools which they are offered to use. There is our podcast, there is the blog, there is the wiki, there is a groupware, there is …. social bookmarking etc. But on that on it is ok having them named and explained and from that on stopped forcing them anymore in the technical details. OK Thats my way to handle this, because of my inner meaning of learning, which means 1) Learning is the process who takes place inside the students and 2) Learning can happen in finding a way of creative expression on what is focus of the mind and 3) Learning means to have learned to pick the chance and get this as challenge. Which means: Learning is an offer you are enabled to pick.
So how to continue on this to get it to my first learning experience in 2010?
I spent a lot of thoughts on how to bring those deep learning experiences to other experiences those of colleques (also more than only HE students in mind) so compared to them and that may be annoying to you: I am not teaching the social media as tools. They are rare moments in the case of general topic on request, in situations where interest driven short interjunctions are a good moment to place them. But as technology or techtalk in general i am leaking. So why I decided to do this in this way? There are organisational aspects. We are educators in our main subject. So the genuin topic is more bound to the content. There are also my frustrating experiences about claims and complaints on the next login and the next tool. From that moment on I remembered about: Teaching is not Learning. You cannot offer learning when you are not beside the interests of your learners. And thats not only the motivation part – there is a good home of educational theory called ‚expansive learning‘ based on Holzkamps Theory founded in the critical psychology who allows the view: Teaching is not learning and outside the interest of the students you can only reach defensive learning. Defensive learning is what Holzkamp calls the opposite of the real and expansive learning valued by the view of the subject (not individual).
Thats were the theroy of my at the moment big piece of work is based on and thats what drives me through the years on what i am doing here.
So the learning of today is twice: First nice to see theroy in work but there is a deeper thing: Reflecting on my theoretical work and reflecting on the own learning assisting experience and observing there came a sentence in my mind:
„Teaching the use of social media and focus on the technical tools means ….
… to enable people speaking.“
So it said is a good thing teach the tools when needed and having all the people in mind, i knew over the web on teaching all the technical and digital literacy skills. For me it means: To enable to get out of the thoughts into production and having the sure way to move inside as outside digital world. But there is my but: For me this left my horizon at the moment. Where to start, where to stop on the technical level? I want to reach the horizon abroad. I don’t want simply the students are enabled to get inside a technical tool and make a post. Whats behind those thoughts? What is my deeper sense?
„Teaching means enabling learning by giving the room to use social media by the tool of choice and the mode of choice by self addicted quality mesurement means …
… to enable to express the own learning and enable to talk.“
Am I right there is a difference between to speak and to talk? Am i right the difference is anyhow between being articulated and in conversation? If I am right here so there is the base not being misunderstood. What is my hope bound to the ‚talk‘-learnership? It is related to partners in conversation. Partners thats the filled sense of the you, you got in terms like „user“. Partner are listeners, Producers as well as simply enjoyed people. The second related to ‚talk‘-learnership: Being in conversation you have the best base of learning ever: Reflection. This means to be enabled express yourself as well as ourselves – struggeling, cheating, teasing and fighting for the right meaning of sense. Is there a better place to do?
Finally and thats my last learning today: I feel honored not being recognized as teacher in the traditional meaning. This makes it easier to me to be a learner too.
Thanx for reading and a happy 2010 to all our friends and partners in learning
Bis denne
Andreas Auwärter
It was Grahams Post (TB)which brought me up to reflect about the role of Institutions in open educational ressources. He writes:
„Of course lecture notes and overhead presentations may be helpful to support learning (and certainly helpful for teachers). But, I am not sure that reading and watching course materials constitutes a learning programme in itself. Neither have many of the institutions providing OERS intended it to be. Why make free courses available online of it would compete with courses offered by an institution.“
Just to mirror my own and small experience in open available educational ressources: It is hard to find them and even harder to (e)valuate them if they are right for the own use. But to be self-critical this is a new part and value in the new literacies raising up in it’s importance. And there is a lot of future work, which cannot be done by technique: The decision on: Is it really important for me and my own direction of thinking or not. Is it an reliable source and on which criteria i can rely on them. So far I feel sometimes happy having not the standards suggesting me the quality of source. It is and has to be my decision and helps me to do a part of the researchers work beside the suggestions. Yes i agree also when Graham differce in material aiming to support teaching related to the material supporting learning. So my question related to the topic is: How would it be possible to get the ideal way supporting both: Teaching and learning? Perhaps it would depend on the style of the material or the arrangement where they have their origin. Supporting the learning of the own students could mean supporting the learning of the others too. Or turning it around: Those open educational materials should be created as a content, which alowws others fluidly to get into the topic and doing so get them on board as well inhouse as outhouse. I don’t knwo how many materials came in your mind, when I say now: For me there is a lot looking as secondary used and distributed, which is not made as OER as itself.
But this brings me to another point: Deeply I am asking myself if the institutions are the right people we are trying to get in the boat. Aren’t the People teaching and lecturing the first station on doing so? There are other interests brought by the institutions as those brought by the content creators?
Graham continues:
„Yet, at the same time, organisations such as the BBC, are publishing increasing amounts of learning (not teaching) materials aimed at a wide range of age groups and a wide ability range. YouTube contains hundreds of videos providing help in how to do almost anything. Web tutorial sites abound. And the growing power of mobile devices and if rumour is to be believed, the immanent arrival of smart tablet readers, allows integration of learning into everyday work and leisure activities. In other words, learning is moving outside teh institution at an ever increasing rate. It is these materials which will be of most profound influence on the future of our education systems.“
But what does this mean to the quality of the learning? I clearly see now a big diffrence between those professional materials and learning. It can enrich my learning, it can inspire my learning it can illustrate and model things – but on those material I am on my own. For me thats a bit tooooo short. Where is the backchannel, which allows me to get in discourse? Thats the room where the institutions should stay for. There is big room for an creative synergy of those media professional grounded materials and institutional as well personal learning. But in fact there is a rights gap – ever tried to show a movie or tv show in school? Ever tried to access german public streamed materials after 15 days? It got prohibited by law in the case of the public broadcasting agencies!
So no prediction from my side against Grahams but a deep whish for 2010: Let’s get the right partners on board to enable learning and personal development in small and realizable steps – and to realize:: Material is the one part – supporting the discourse on the learning seems to me the bigger challenge.
Links von delicious von der Zeitspanne Dezember 27th bis Dezember 29th:
- iTunes U: Uni-Vorlesungen über das Internet – News – CHIP Online – Chip über iTunesU
- "The Information Age is Over" : Collective Imagination – "The Information Age is over – What's next? At a time in history with unprecedented access to global information streams, it may seem odd to some that the "Information Age" is already behind us. Traditionally a period of history can be characterized by the dominant technology that separates the leaders from the followers. Today is no exception. Power and influence is often associated with those that master the novel technology and rapid changes in economic and/or political fortunes soon ripple across societies. The dawn of the "Industrial Age" coincided with global changes in how physical materials were transformed and distributed. The costs of manufacturing and distribution plummeted raising the standard of living for many. The commoditization of material goods began and the control of capital, raw material sources, and production capacity reshaped the thinking of the day." Shared notes from tim brysten.
- Professionelle Lehrkompetenz – Thanx to akpe für das Teilen via
- Sprixi – Free images to choose and use! – Thanx anitsirk for pointing me this out.
- PPT: Twitter im Business – Ren#e Fischer: Powerpoint zu Twitter in Unternehmen. Dank an Tim!
- Web Squared: Web 2.0 Five Years On – by Tim O’Reilly and John Battelle – "Five years ago, we launched a conference based on a simple idea, and that idea grew into a movement. The original Web 2.0 Conference (now the Web 2.0 Summit ) was designed to restore confidence in an industry that had lost its way after the dotcom bust. The Web was far from done, we argued. In fact, it was on its way to becoming a robust platform for a culture-changing generation of computer applications and services.
In our first program, we asked why some companies survived the dotcom bust, while others had failed so miserably. We also studied a burgeoning group of startups and asked why they were growing so quickly. The answers helped us understand the rules of business on this new platform.
Chief among our insights was that "the network as platform" means far more than just offering old applications via the network ("software as a service")
- Killerspiele im Kinderzimmer – Gefahr im Verzug? | rbb Rundfunk Berlin-Brandenburg – Interessanter differenzierender Artikel zum Thema Killerspiele im Kinderzimmer. Annotated link
- – Anke Grotlüschen zur Kritik der Bezüge zwischen Begriffen, wie 'informelles Lernen etc.' mit dem Blick der subjektwissenschaftlichen Perspektive. "Während Haug im Einklang mit Lave (1997) für eine Erweiterung des Lernbegriffs plädiert – der wiederum Anschlüsse an ‚Informelles Lernen’ und ‚Implizites Wissen’ (Polanyi 1985) bietet, geht mein eigenes Plädoyer in die Gegenrichtung: Ich halte es für wünschenswert, in bester aufklärerischer Tradition den Lernenden ihre (impliziten, informellen) Lernprozesse bewusster zu machen und ihnen auf diesem Weg auch zunehmende Selbstlernkompetenz mit auf den Weg zu geben (Grotlüschen 2003, S. 310ff und 2004, S. 14ff)."
- E-Learning Handbuch | – Arnold, P.
Das Finden ist oft Gluecksache. Delicious macht aus zwei Augen viele. Wer zu den Themen etwas beitragen kann und will, der trete meinem Netzwerk bei. Wenn ich dann noch weiss, was andere begeistert, suche ich gerne mit.
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