
IMPALA – Podcasting Project at University of Leicaster —

Mandy Schiefner hat auf education&media schon einmal auf Das Forschungsprojekt und den mock-up Podcast von Dr. Gilly Simon hingewiesen. Die Zentralen Fragen, auf dessen Spuren sich das Projekt begeben möchte waren:

1. How does students‘ learning supported by Podcasting differ from their learning through structured campus or e-learning processes? For example, does Podcasting assist with student motivation? Is their learning more flexible, easier or successful?

2. What kinds of pedagogical applications can be developed for Podcasting through MP3 players for students‘ informal use within formal HE modules that work to enhance their learning?

3. Can students switch from using MP3 players for entertainment to learning?

4. What are the psychological, social and institutional barriers to and advantages of more informal learning using Podcasting?“ (via education&media (via peter weiland))

Neben dem bereits zitierten Podcast gibt es auch jede menge Hintergrundinformationen zum Projekt, zum Beispiel eine Startseite, von der aus die Blogs und das WIKI zu erreichen sind.


Welcome to the wiki and blogs of IMPALA (Informal Mobile Podcasting And Learning Adaptation), a research project funded by the Higher Education Academy. The project is a collaboration between the University of Leicester, Kingston University, the University of Gloucestershire, and the Royal Veterinary College. These pages provide up-to-date information about the project. Please visit often to know what is going on here! Your comments will be valuable for the success and survival of IMPALA. Please email your comments and feedback to We’ll add your comments here. Thank you for visiting IMPALA. (Gilly Salmon, IMPALA Project Director, University of Leicester.)

und natürlich bin auch ich gespannt, welche Ergebnisse hieraus resultieren werden.

Bis denne

Andreas Auwärter

PS: Eine kleine Anmerkung am Rande und bei aller Multikulturalität: Ich finde es immer wieder amüsant, wenn ich mit folgendem Seitenaufbau begrüßt werde:

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