
Funde auf delicious fuer den Zeitraum Juli 25th bis August 16th

Links von delicious von der Zeitspanne Juli 25th bis August 16th:

  • » Videoworkshop mit Spiegelei und Spinat – Tipps zum Dreh und der Nachbearbeitung von Webvideos – Eine kurze Einführung von @Praetorius über das fluxse Drehen von Webvideos. Wenn ich den Inhalt zusammenfassen mag, dann: Kurze Planung vorweg erspart viel Arbeit der Nachbereitung!

    "Danke liebe Twitter-Freunde für die vielen leckeren Kochrezeptvorschläge für mein anstehenes Video-Seminar. Ich werde kommende Woche wieder einen Kurs zum Thema Produktion und Publishing von Web-Videos geben. Ich halte solche Seminare immer gerne ganz allgemein. Daher werde ich meine Tipps zur Moderation und dem Umgang mit der Kamera am beispiel eines kleines Kochkurses geben. Heute geht’s ins Studio bzw. in die Küche. Es gibt Spiegelei mit Spinat in HD. Der Blogeintrag und das Konzept stehen schon mal hier, Videos folgen, sobald ich Sie nachbearbeitet habe:"

  • stickylearning: The Powerpoint Dozen – the written version – The Powerpoint Dozen – the written version
    I use Powerpoint in some of the workshops I run, not all, but when it suits the audience, venue and most importantly learning objectives. I have, on the other hand, been a participant where slides have been the 'star'! Slides that contained too much text in colours and sizes that were too hard to read and more bullets than Ned Kelly's last stand! That said, Powerpoint can have its place. So I've put together a list of 10( 1) tips for using Powerpoint more effectively.
  • Skype call recording with bookmarked, mind-mapped notes – I've been perfecting a very specific efficiency aspect of my workflow: taking notes during Skype calls. I use a Skype-in number as my primary phone number, and — with permission — record client calls for future reference. I can't tell you how many times this has come in handy. On long calls, though, going back and finding a specific point where something was mentioned can be a time-consuming hassle. What I wanted was the ability to record a Skype call while taking notes, and to then be able to reference my (abbreviated) notes back to the exact point where they were taken in the conversation.
  • Words Matter — Frances Bell – Words Matter
    by Frances Bell

    This video challenges the dominance of non-verbal communication

  • JISC RSC Scotland N – Before you click to download, please note that there's a help page, a contact page, a FAQ section and a users' forum linked from the words towards the top of this page

    Now select the bundle of applications which best suits your individual needs: LearnApps, TeachApps or AccessApps

  • P@ Parslow :: Blog :: Virtual (Research/Learning) Environments – There is a proposal for a Research Platform for the University.  I think this is (broadly) a good idea – as it should enable more effective ways of working, encourage a community of research practice, aid with dissemination (in preparing papers for journals and conferences, in producing research based teaching materials, and in keeping each other informed about interesting work/findings), help with writing proposals and ideally help with maintaining a contacts database so that shared knowledge within the institution/group/lab can be made best use of.

Das Finden ist oft Gluecksache. Delicious macht aus zwei Augen viele. Wer zu den Themen etwas beitragen kann und will, der trete meinem Netzwerk bei. Wenn ich dann noch weiss, was andere begeistert, suche ich gerne mit.

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