
Funde auf delicious fuer den Zeitraum April 4th bis April 11th

Links von delicious von der Zeitspanne April 4th bis April 11th:

  • City Brights: Howard Rheingold : 21st Century Literacies – Will our grandchildren century grow up knowing how to pluck the answer to any question out of the air, summon their social networks to assist them personally or professionally, organize political movements and markets online? Will they collaborate to solve problems, participate in online discussions as a form of civic engagement, share and teach and learn to their benefit and that of everyone else? Or will they grow up knowing that the online world is a bewildering puzzle to which they have few clues, a dangerous neighborhood where their identities can be stolen, a morass of spam and porn, misinformation and disinformation, urban legends, hoaxes, and scams? I have collected evidence over the past several decades that suggests the humanity or toxicity of next year's digital culture depends to a very large degree on what we know, learn, and teach each other about how to use the one billion Internet accounts and four billion mobile phones available today.
  • BAföG-Antrag für Studenten, Auslandsbafög
  • Medienkompetenz – Führerschein fürs Internet – München –
  • Tutorials | Ambrosia Software, Inc.
  • The Semantic Web in Education (EDUCAUSE Quarterly) | EDUCAUSE – EDUCAUSE Quarterly, vol. 31, no. 4 (October–December 2008)
    What happens when the read-write web gets smart enough to help us organize and evaluate the information it provides?
    By Jason Ohler

Das Finden ist oft Gluecksache. Delicious macht aus zwei Augen viele. Wer zu den Themen etwas beitragen kann und will, der trete meinem Netzwerk bei. Wenn ich dann noch weiss, was andere begeistert, suche ich gerne mit.

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