
Teaching like in a role play

… really inspired by Alec Couros blog post, which contains a lot of thoughts and discussion I got myself thinking about the there used understanding of a teachers role.  Yes, the sherpa image there is valuable for many situations a teacher or educator is acting, taking responsibility, guiding without determining the students interest and networking and informative flow. Why i felt a bit unsure using one to one this metaphor has another reason than the layer of correctness or true or not.

So here an invitation in the way thinking about an additional picture on the teachers role. To be honest – it is more a parable than a complete visualisation and so I would like to explain the way through it before. Underlining the question I am sure everybody should have asked himself more than once: What is the moment in your educational action which makes you feeling satisfied – specified on the question of the use of social media, eLearning2.0 or how it can be called. 

Reflecting on my own teaching practice this are those moments, everybody is in action – fulfilling his task – getting his role. It is still this feeling seeing everybody in the group of learning actors getting into the real play, which should be the parabolic moment which matches the reality best. Outgoing from this moment – which raised up immediately after being asked how I would see the educators and learners roles in the play of this – here my thoughts, to enrich this. So if we see the scene as in a role play, what are the borders of the stage? It could be the world wide endless stage we are designated to. It could be the stage to those who are interested in the plays content. It Could be the stage to those who want to get inspired by the actors. But who are the visitors in this stage? To be honest – what if the imagination would create a role play with no real visitors. Even passive recipients are taking part in this play – but more as a hyaline mass than appearing individually sharp. It would be a fine vision dreming of a role play – everybody can appear as part of. Recognizing so – we could learn a lot on what actors are learning about themselve during they are playing the role. Thinking so – and reflecting back: Teachers role was the initial at the start – it was the guidance to get all on stage – it will be the reflectant collecting the valuables impressions during the play itself conserving this process steps for the individual development – and it could be also the role of the participant – aiming to be allowed active into the progress of this play – as a learner.    

Leaving the parable now, i would like to ask the reader, what are your images – on teaching experience which made you feeling like a plan which succeeded? Would you like to share? Have you your own ………

Bis denne


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