
7 things about me.

I’ve got tagged by my friend Neriz Kern (@nergizK)  to write 7 things about me. As all the others I got notice about twitter before and now it seems a bit of challange, writing about myself. But before everybody is asked to deliver the rules:

Here are the rules:

  • Link your original tagger(s), and list these rules on your blog.
  • Share seven facts about yourself in the post – some random, some weird.
  • Tag seven people at the end of your post by leaving their names and the links to their blogs.
  • Let them know they’ve been tagged by leaving a comment on their blogs and/or Twitter.

1. I’ve been grown up in a small village near Mainz. And since my youth i prefer more 2 talk than two write. It is a nice region i’ve been explored and from time to time i miss it. Even it is not as far as from where I live now, but from the landside it is completely different. 

2. I’ve finished my first exam at university in the subjects biology and theology. Yes it has been a great combination. So i learned from very good people a lot also for my life in the the theology part. To learn how to fail and get up again was the lecture of life during a try finishing the second exam. But it brought me to one important point – getting the deep interest about ICT and Learning, which had been starting during my first study before.    

3. So thats where i feel now – beeing enabled to teach wonderful students by giving them an enviroment express themselve also in public and explore the best out. Thats my personal mood for the activities of the AG-Podcasting. This means a lot of fun as much as a lot of work. I wish this could last for more times than the rest of my studies here will last.

4. As a proud husband and a proud father I love the flexibility the „state“ offers. It’s so much fun seeing the steps of all those growing. 

5. In our small family I am the one who loves to do all the shopping. But i also would prefer to take the food – and the technical part. Maybe because the tech is more challenge in advance 😉 

6. You can feel blessed if you have a wonderful neighbourhood.  I won’t miss anyone and hopefully we can keep this mood as good as possible.  

7. Getting the own „point of view“ is mostly active work. For an own opinion you need the possibility to get all sides at a glance – infuencing your own point of view. Doing so you can get the level of tolerance  we need in the world, on different topics and themes. Only doing so you will earn surprise and the base of learning. 

Who to tag next? I will take a mainly random choice aiming a wide spread – So hopefully nobody is annoyed now: Steffen Büffel (@mediaocean),  Thomas Bernhardt, Thomas Wanhoff, @nettys, @grahamattwell changed because he has been tagged before! Changed 2 @DirkStieglitz , @helenkeegan, Marcel Kirchner.

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