
Bookmarks auf Diigo 03/14/2011

Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.

Bookmarks auf Diigo 03/08/2011

iTEC (Innovative Technologies for an Engaging Classroom) is a four-year, pan-European project focused on the design of the future classroom.

With funding of €9.45M from the European Commission, the involvement of 15 Ministries of Education and school pilots in up to 1 000 classrooms in 12 […]

Bookmarks auf Diigo 03/03/2011

four diffrent understandings on what blended learning could mean.

tags: blended_learning Blended learning_theory

Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.

Bookmarks auf Diigo 02/21/2011

VideoJS is an HTML5 Video Player with 3 core parts: An embed code (Video for Everybody), a Javascript library (video.js), and a pure HTML/CSS skin (video-js.css).

Using Video for Everybody as the embed code means you know it’s compatible with many devices (including ones […]

Bookmarks auf Diigo 02/14/2011

Podcasts sind seit ihrem großen Hype im Jahr 2005 in der Netzlandschaft angekommen. Doch sind es nicht einfach nur Audiosendungen im Internet, sondern nicht selten spielen interessante Konzepte im Hintergrund eine Rolle. […]

Bookmarks auf Diigo 02/09/2011

Gecko 1.9.1 (Firefox 3.5) introduced support for HTML 5 audio and video media presentation without the need for the user to install any plug-ins or other software to do so. At present, Firefox supports only Ogg-encapsulated audio and video, which you […]

Bookmarks auf Diigo 01/25/2011

tags: socialmedia history socialnetworking infographic the infographics media of

Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.

Bookmarks auf Diigo 01/23/2011

The Alice Springs School of the Air was the first of its kind established in Australia. It is a compulsory aged correspondence school that utilises various communications technologies to have daily contact with students, home tutors and teachers. The first radio broadcasts were […]

Bookmarks auf Diigo 01/13/2011

Das E-Learning-Länderzentrum, eine der ältesten E-Learning-Einrichtungen auf Bundesländerebene in Deutschland feierte im November 2010 seinen 10. Geburtstag. In der Jubiläumsveranstaltung wurde der Schwerpunkt auf neue Studienformate und die Verbindung von akademischer und beruflicher Bildung gelegt. Das Jubiläum nahm zum Anlass und sprach mit Dr. Konrad Faber, Geschäftsführer […]

Bookmarks auf Diigo 01/05/2011

Journal of Virtual Worlds and Education  Volume 1, Issue 1

Below is the inaugural issue of the Journal of Virtual Worlds and Education.

Issues of the Journal of Virtual Worlds and Education are available on a subscription basis. But, as an introductory […]