
Statement of Educational Philosophy- von David Truss

Ich finde dieses Statement beachtens und nachdenkenswert.

David Truss:
I wrote this three years ago, but recently had to make a change… As little as one year ago the second paragraph did not exist for me, and now it is placed in a position of importance. I post my Statement of Educational Philosophy now, after reading and posting a comment on Kelly Christopherson’s post, which in turn was inspired by Harold Jarche’s post, which in turn was inspired by Albert Ip’s post, that Harold first read over two years ago… Has this kind of engagement in learning ever happened for you, coming from a text book?

I wonder how much of what I have written is ‚universal‘ and how much of it is a product being stuck in the current bureaucratic-age based paradigm?

Feedback, as always, is appreciated. (Think Healthy Discord and feel free to be critical.)

So findet sich bei ihm direkt einleitend:

The goal of education is to enrich the lives of students while producing articulate, expressive thinkers and lifelong learners, that are socially responsible, resilient, and active citizens of the world. Education is about teaching students, not subjects. It is about engaging students in their learning, and maximizing the potential of each and every child. Education is about looking beyond the child’s intellect, and seeing the whole child. Education is about providing students with opportunities to be challenged and still succeed.

und in diesem Sinne geht es weiter über die Rolle der lehrenden Personen, zu ihrem Selbstverständnis, technischen neuen rahmenbedingungen etc.

Mehr davon bei David Truss und seinem Weblog „Pair-a-Dimes“

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