
Steven Downes im Streaming-Vortrag…

Für denjenigen, den das interessiert

Auf kann man am 14.Februar kostenlos den Vortrag von Stephen Downes lauschen. Interessant ist, dass man auch für das online-streaming Plätze buchen muss. :-) Noch sind ca 150 frei. :-)

Stephen Downes

Knowledge 2.0 : Toward a Future knowledge Society

14th of Februari 2007, 18h00 – 20h00 CET

Und hier ist die Zusammenfasung über das, was den Hörer erwarten könnte:

His lecture for the Venus-seminars is about Knowledge 2.0 or connective knowledge: How is knowledge created in a new networked society? How valuable is this new kind of knowledge creation? Discussion can be raised e.g. regarding the reliability of entries in Wikipedia, a collection of articles created through a process of collective authoring, compared to those in the Encyclopedia Britannia, a collection of articles about similar topics written by a series of experts. Background information can be found at: His work also includes the development of educational content syndication systems and the design of a digital rights management system for learning resources. Stephen is a member of the eLearn editorial advisory board and also frequently gives seminars and lectures on the field of online learning. His lecture for the Venus-seminars is about Knowledge 2.0 or connective knowledge: How is knowledge created in a new networked society? How valuable is this new kind of knowledge creation? Discussion can be raised e.g. regarding the reliability of entries in Wikipedia, a collection of articles created through a process of collective authoring, compared to those in the Encyclopedia Britannia, a collection of articles about similar topics written by a series of experts.

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