
Chris O'Neal about YouTube and all the others video sharing potentials in school @ GLEF: A Teacher’s Tour of YouTube

Aus dem GLEF-Newsletter stolperte ich über folgenden Artikel, in dem Chris O’Neal versucht die Notwendigkeit aber auch Sinnhaftigkeit von Video-Sharing-Portalen im Schulszenario und dessen Potential darzustellen. DENK!-bar. und DENK!-würdig.

Spiral Notebook » A Teacher’s Tour of YouTube:

A Teacher’s Tour of YouTube

By Chris O’Neal

As computers and Internet access have become more ubiquitous, and the tech savviness of our nation’s youth continues to rise, it only stands to reason that the online experience has begun to evolve drastically in the last few years. The Web is rapidly changing from being simply interactive to becoming more of a user-centric and user-guided experience. Web 2.0 technologies, open source software, and the tech expertise of our nation’s youth have opened up a new world of online interactivity.

One exciting layer is the proliferation of video on the Internet. In a matter of minutes, anyone with a basic video camera and a high-speed connection can create, edit, upload, and share video with ease. This is a powerful tool, and to harness what it holds and turn it into something educational can be a thrill and a challenge.

Leider verweisen einige der Beispiele, die er anführt auf tote Seiten, doch glaube ich, dass es ein momentanes YT Problem darstellt und nicht die Contents herausgenommen wurden.

Bis denne

Andreas Auwärter

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