
HitchHikr ein Conference Tracking – Tool von David Warlick

Was ist das??? Nun – David, der uns mit Connect Learning immer wieder drauf hinweist, wie wertvoll das neue Web im Kontext von Schule und Lehre sein kann merkt in seiner Episode 63 (TB) an, wie sinnvoll ein geplanter Einsatz von Web 2.0 Technologien für Konferenzen wäre. Von daher hat er uns HitchHikr zur Verfügung gestellt.

Wenn ich einmal anmerken darf, der Podcastday 2006 hat für mich gezeigt, wie komplett und umfangreich Konferenzen ohne teuren und vielen Aufwand mitgestaltet oder mitgezeichnet werden können.

And Now the Master itself about his Tool:


We live in a time of rapid change, where few of us are doing what we learned to do in college. Few of us are doing what we did three years ago. Our work becomes obsolete, or it gets insourced, outsourced, or even mobsourced to others, as we find new and more exciting niches of expertise to serve through.

In changing times, we need to raise our heads out of the water every once in a while, take a drink of kool-aid, network, learn, and energize. Yet, we can’t always make it to the conferences we need to attend to mix with the people we need to see — face-to-face. This is why Hitchhikr was invented, to provide you with a virtual space where, thanks to blogs, podcasts, and RSS, we can connect, share, respond, and grow knowledge out beyond the place and time of the event.

Here are some tutorials on how to tap into the emerging technologies that make Hitchhikr possible. (to be added soon)

Setting up a blog

Fast-tracking into the Blogosphere through Technorati

Getting Connected (finding WiFi near your conference)

Setting up a flickr account

Adding to the global flickr photo album

Sending conference pictures directly into the blogsophere from your phone

Setting up a podcast

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And because I think that David will probably follow his Trackback, just summarizing what I said in „German“ above: I told my blog reading friends about your insiration constructing hitchhikr and the need using this tool. Then I explained my expirences and personal impressions at the german „podcastday2006″ where blogs, flickrs and podcasts gave an impressing feedback / overview on what this conference moved and constructed. And doing this so I want to appeal using your tool in germany too.

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Bis denne

andreas auwaerter

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